Winding road

“Insight meditation is a Buddhist practice that opens the way to profound awakening in our daily lives.”

—Jack Kornfield

Sunday, Oct 18 – Sunday, Oct 25, 2020

Walking the “Path of Insight” is a time-tested journey of spiritual awakening traversed by thousands of people. With the expert guidance of Vipassana teacher Ronya Banks, you will delve deeper into the many gifts the Buddhist practice has to offer.

This weeklong silent meditation will include formal sitting meditation, walking meditation, daily dharma talks, specific instructions, Q&A periods, interviews, and chanting.

The retreat is appropriate for those who have attended a previous silent meditation retreat as well as experienced daily meditation practitioners. It will be held at the beautiful Heartwood Refuge and Retreat Center.

The Teacher

Ronya Banks

Ronya Banks is the founding teacher at Asheville Insight Meditation, an Insight Meditation community in Asheville, North Carolina. Ronya has practiced daily meditation for over 33 years, and she has been a meditation teacher for over 11 years. She has attended over a year’s worth of meditation retreats with more than 30 internationally known Vipassana teachers.

Ronya is a graduate of the Spirit Rock/IMS Community Dharma Leader training program. She practiced renunciation for a period as a Theravada Buddhist monastic. Her eclectic, easy-going teaching style is informed by her love for intensive meditation practice as well as the vast body of Theravada Buddhist teachings.


Registration will be offered January 2020.


For more information or assistance, contact the Heartwood Retreat Manager at

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