Sun beams shining through forest

Five-Day Residential Meditation Retreat

June 17 – June 20, 2020

“Practicing systematically, taking the time to go into deep practice and making it the number one priority, leads to a state where the mind is very still and malleable and can investigate.”

—Nikki Mirghafori

As the human race’s daily living pace continues to speed up and an increasing sense of insecurity and doubt arise in response to the complexities of modern life, many are turning to their spiritual lives for stability and support. So, how can you get the most out of your spiritual practice when the world appears to be falling apart? By digging deeper into your meditation practice.

Join Buddhist teacher Ronya Banks as she provides us with the tips and practices you can use to plumb the depths of your spiritual practice, especially during times that feel chaotic. Ronya will explore these topics:

  • What is “depth of practice”?
  • Buddhist teachings on deep practice
  • Inquiries that support greater depth and wisdom

About the Retreat

In this silent, five-day, four-night meditation retreat, you will be engaging in the ancient Buddhist Vipassana/Insight meditation practices that have brought profound inner peace to multitudes of people.

Deep peace and can also be experienced while immersing yourself in the beauty and simplicity of the Southern Dharma Retreat Center, located in the mountains of Western North Carolina.

The retreat’s schedule will include formal sitting meditation, walking meditation, daily dharma talks, instruction, guided mindful movement, interviews, and chanting.

The retreat is appropriate for those who have attended a previous silent meditation retreat, as well as for experienced daily meditation practitioners.

About the Teacher

Ronya Banks

Ronya Banks is the founding teacher at Asheville Insight Meditation, an Insight Meditation community in Asheville, North Carolina. Ronya has practiced daily meditation for over 34 years, and she has been a meditation teacher for over 14 years. She has attended over a year’s worth of meditation retreats with more than 30 internationally known Vipassana teachers, such as Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein.


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